
“On Sunday, I went to OutFest, an LGBT festival. The energy, vibe, and feeling that I got upon being there was absolutely incredible. The sense of… empowerment was something that I never really felt quite like this before, and it really hit me. It hit me that I want to create media that would make people feel the same way I felt in the festival. It honestly… opened my eyes.”

This Brainbank is pretty much the one I like the most. It still holds true.


So, I got pokemon this week and it has been a load of fun! It’s bringing back all the nostalgia of playing pokemon red and yellow. God, it’s unbelievable!

I really hope that someday I’ll be able to create something that gives people such joy that, even years into their lives, they can still look back at it fondly and with nostalgia. I think that is something I have realized that I want in stuff that I create and will strive from now on to create.


So this weeks brain bank is all about Skittles.

I used to eat them when I was younger, but then I grew out of my love for skittles. However, recently, I have fallen into this tragic love for skittles you don’t even know! It’s tragic because I hate myself for eating those delicious balls of sugar!

Well, at least I now know my favorite candy from now on! and if someone wants to bribe me for something, they know what to get me!

P.S I know this isn’t a great brainbank, but I mean what the hell I was completely uninspired this week so this si all I could really think of. I’m not even gonna try to deny it. But god, you gotta love skittles.


So I recently went back to playing the piano. Theres a crappy rusty piano in the multipurpose room where I live, and I’ve been playing there. I completely forgot how it made me feel to play the piano. It’s really undescribable.

So, that’s when I decided to minor in music. Sure, I can’t sing. But I’ve trained on the piano with a personal trainer since I was 9. It’s a part of my life and I should incorporate it into my career!

And Then What Happens…?!?

Noun: Harbor, Man

Adjective: Gigantic

“The angelic Merman: – the tale of the gigantic harbor”

The bubbly waters of the deep sea jittered as he appeared into existence. His dark skin glowed with his determination. As he opened his bright pink eyes, the sea’s parted for him, leading him to his objective. He may have been an angel, but he was a person of the sea at heart.

He needed to find her, to explain what had happened all those years ago. Before the wings, before the eyes, before the feet. He knew his sister wouldn’t understand. She was born into a life of theft and murder, it must of been a shock when the angels were bestowed upon them. When they were split. When this very sea was only but a trickle of water.

Parameterizing the Problem

Define the Problem

The problem I’ve been having is getting the natural geography to be correct. Basically, I’m having trouble locating where things would be naturally more tropical, where it’s naturally more desert-like, etc..

The reason this problem exists is because the world map I made up isn’t real and doesn’t exist, so I have to strategically place things.

Restructure Your Problem

I think I should restructure this problem as what planet is this on. If this planet is earth, than I would have to use things like the equator and how the earth is and how far it is from the sun to help me decide.

Who, What, When, Why, Where, How

Who: The entire world

What: The land, and the civilization habitat.

When: During a fantasy timeline that doesn’t exist. Most probably a couple hundred years ago in real earth time.

Why: why what? Why do I need this objective? To have a real, fleshed out world that I can later on use.

Where: The planet

How: because I said so! Unless you mean how this problem came to be, in which case it’s because my world map isn’t very similar to the one we have currently, nor when earth first came to exist.

Rephrase the Problem

I don’t know how I would do that, since I don’t have a defining sentence for this…

err…. ” The have I’ve been probleming is naturalling the have geography to be correct. Basically, I’m locate trouble having where things would be tropically more natural, where it’s desertly more natural, etc.. ” ????

Switch perspectives

The polar opposite of my problem would be a problem where they know where all the land terrain is gonna go, and how it’s gonna fall, but have no clue how they all connect (?)



On halloween I went to Terror Behind The Walls. It was surprisingly good. Their costumes and makeup was fantastic and unbelievable. The way they used the atmosphere, and all the special effects, really hit me.

The way they did everything. From sound effects to the fog to the atmosphere, thats what I want in whatever I create. I want the atmosphere to FEEL real.